dinner event
dinner event 在一片干杯声和欢庆声中拉下帷幕, 小女子我也长呼了口气, 欣然谢幕.几分欢喜, 几分得意, 但更多的则是汗颜---十分的汗颜. 这次的dinner event 是为中国某市的市长连同市政府的几位高官而设立的. 我们公司早有想拓广中国市场之宏图, 并想把公司在该城市原有厂房扩大 增加投资规模. 所以市长这次来访无疑是个大好机会, 增加彼此的了解, 为日后的合作创造条件和基础. 原本作会计的我跟这样的事是没什么关系的. 但不知道为什么公司却让我参与, 帮忙筹划(也许是因为我是总公司唯一一个懂中文, 并了解中国文化的人吧. 这一点还得益于我的爸妈). 当时十足的兴奋, 也有些紧张, 不知道会不会有辱使命. 这中间的辗转辛苦自不消说了, 计划改了又改 , 提议换了又换. 餐馆定了又定, 最后总算万事具备, 只欠东风. 这中间最好笑的还是last mininute 给VP directors 级的高层恶补中国风俗礼仪101, 诸如不可以把茶嘴对准客人, 姓名的正确读法等等等等. 市长大人并不如我想象得那样相貌堂堂, 不但身材臃肿,而且笑起来还皮笑肉不笑.但我并没多想, 冲上去, 抓住市长的胖手猛摇, 嘴象涂了蜜. 如果老妞看见我当时的那种贱样, 嘴啧得肯定歪掉 ,大叫: "Hey, climb out of his butt , YOU. " 宾主双方落座, VP Rick 的演讲开始. 没想到这也是我恶梦的开始... 这位仁兄居然叫我当他演讲的翻译. OMG!! He didn't even tell me beforehand. 只好硬着头皮上. 我一直对自己能熟练操纵两种语言而感到自豪, 但原来并不如想象的那样简单. 好多单词我不知如何翻译.我想我的脸就象猴子屁股样红.我已经too Americanized 了, 有时我讲中文, 一句话里至少有一至两个单词是英语. 其实这么多年来, 自己的中文水平已不知不觉地在下降. 现在自己才是真正的"Jack of all trades, Master of None". 坐在公司给我派的Limo里, 我的脸又一次地红了.
posted by 小春 at 9:23 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
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Pigged out at a Mexican restaurant before headed back home
I may look happy but I was not.
posted by 小春 at 6:05 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Day Two (to be continued)
Mount Washington, elevation 6288 feet, is the highest peak in the Northeastern U.S. Driving up Mt. Washington is one of those experiences I will not forget. It was 80 degrees--nice and sunny at the base, but it became very cold and foggy at the top. No wonder it has the reputation for being "Home of the world's worst weather". With the wind so strong at the summit it felt like late November in early September. I went to the gift shop to buy a sweater.
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posted by 小春 at 7:58 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Men seem so small when you look at the universe
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On top of Mt. Lafatte Elevation 5240 feet(approximately 1597 meters)
It took us three hours climbing up Mt. Lafayette and nearly four going down. My knees were on fire on the way down. But the spectacular scenery of mountains and beautiful landscapes made the journey worthwhile.

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At Greenleaf Hut Elevation 4200 feet
Tired, Hungry and cold
posted by 小春 at 7:25 PM | Permalink | 0 comments