I am finally connected!!
In case you were wondering about what I have been up to and why my posts have been sparse lately, well, I did not fall off the face of the earth. I have been so occupied with mundane things of my life, blogging seems to be taking a back seat. As of last Sunday, I officially moved out my parents’ house and settled in a townhouse nearby. You never know how much crap you have until you move. So here I was on a Thanksgiving day sitting on the floor experiencing what I’d call a "oh-my-gawd-how-am-I-gonna-get-them-done" moment. I had tons of things on my To Do List—calling the truck company; making address changes; arranging utilities cancellations—the mere thought of them nearly sent me to the verge of a breakdown. I had drawers of clothes to be given away, stacks of magazines to be disposed of and piles after piles of garbage to be thrown out. Joey Tribbiani said in the sitcom Friends:" Thanksgiving without the turkey is like on a Friday night without the two pizzas." Since I am not a big fan of both, I felt quite all right without having Turkey this year. I would like to thank all my wonderful friends who came out a snowy day and helped me with the moving. Without you guys, I would accomplish nothing.

Up until now did I realized how hooked I am to the Cyberspace. I would literally wither away without such modern gadegets as cable, cell phone and most importantly the Internet. Although I finished The Da Vinci Code in the few days I was devoid of internet access(I wouldn't be able to even flip one page of it under normal situation), I really miss my blogging life and the feeling of being connected. I am so happy that I am finally connected.
posted by 小春 at 12:06 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
新加坡华人 said...
能尝试理解你对新加坡华人厌恶华语的爱之深责之切. 其实也满令人费解, 说福建话或掺杂福建/英文的啊beng啊lian在新加坡是主流的、前卫的、酷, 但用中文的仿佛有原罪似是被鄙视的, 你们新加坡中文bloggers力挽狂澜的努力很令人敬佩

我留言主要是要说一件大是大非的事情. 针对你写的"全世界最多的人是中国人, 中国人中最多的又是华人", 我有不同看法. 曾经邓小平与李光耀见面劈头一句话说“我们都是中国人, 好讲话", 李光耀是这样回答的, "我虽然是华裔, 我不是中国人, 我是新加坡国人"

海峡两岸有是或不是中国人的议题, 是源自台湾是不是中国一部分来的. 台湾结果可能是也可能不是中国一部分, 但新加坡绝对不是中国的一部分. 关键在中国人的"国"一字. 如果是民族情感认同所以与中国一体化, 更是不可为的, 也是李光耀, 在一国际会议上提到他对中国民族主义狂热的戒心, 以及一直酝酿中的中国愤青对新加坡非理性的仇恨心里..

注: 几次引述李光耀不代表我是他信徒, 我不认为他所言所为都是对, 但对照客观现实是重要的, 我同意他的观点

中国华人国民, 是华人
新加坡华人国民, 是华人

11/19/2005 01:39:57 PM

chun said...
呃,楼上的,咋你就那么矫情。玩儿政治嘴里随便吐出来的话,你咋就当关老爷这么拜了哩。听没听说过现时很热门的词Greater China? 这是指包括台湾,中国大陆和香港的一整块儿经济战略市场。照你那么说,台湾就是中国大陆一部分了嘛?说话都是从莫个角度来说的。邓并没讲错,他所说的的中国人,是从宏观意义上指的,


11/19/2005 11:52:25 PM

YAN said...
对不起 新加坡华人不是中国人 既然不是中国人那么华文也就算不上什么"母语" 学不学又有什么所谓? 对好多新加坡华人来说 中文是"外语" 有兴趣则学 没兴趣就不会浪费时间和经历来学无用的东西 不是吗?

11/20/2005 02:28:41 AM

YAN said...
还有楼上那位 拜托有点常识好不好 中华民族的中华自古就是连在一起的 从来就没有分开过 现在所谓的演变出的"华人" 也是对早期的中国移民的称谓 你既没有半天在中华大地上成长过 又觉得中文是"外语" 就最好不要提自己是"华人"这两个字 免得引来别人嘲笑 自取其辱

11/20/2005 02:38:03 AM

YAN said...
实在是受不了~`` 疯子老师 别怪我在你的版面上乱说话 那位CHUN的观点我实在是无法苟同..greater china..请您先回去把历史念好再出来在公共场合说话好不? 现在的中国明明就是缩小了以后的 这就叫greater china那以前的那个叫什么?把原本属于自己的土地要回来也是天经地义的事情 还有 是先有了中国人 才有了华人 只听说过儿子长的像爸爸 没有人说你爸爸长的像你的 这些基本的逻辑思维你总该有吧? 新加坡是一个独立的国家 新加坡人有自己的传统自己的文化是好事 但请你不要把它和中国独有的文化混淆 中国文化不是新加坡的~``几千年历史积淀下来的东西也未必是学能学来的``在你对一种文化毫无兴趣毫无了解的时候发表的言论通常是对这种文化的糟蹋和亵渎

Dear 低 B hing, are you barking up the wrong tree here? All I am trying to say is: Just because people call you chinese, it doesn't necessarily mean you are from Mainland China. So please don't get too excited. Greater China is a term refering collectively to the financial markets and economies of mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan. I use the term (a buzz word on Wall Street) to reiterate my point : just because Taiwan is a key component of this expanding economic circle, it does NOT mean it's part of Mainland China. I suggest you read carefully before you utter something from your pipe hole. And never ever ever assume stuff.
posted by 小春 at 6:11 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
UTF 8 To Encode
Image hosted by Photobucket.com马丁路德金曾有一个梦想,而我却曾有过许多个梦想。虽然这些梦最终都未能实现, 有些回想起来甚至还觉得幼稚可笑, 但它们记载着我成长的足迹, 陪伴我走过许多无奈和困惑的日子。朝花夕拾,现记载如下。

小时候也许是和表哥们长大的缘故, 性格完全象个男孩子,不爱女红爱刀枪。整天穿着超人的披风, 跟一群小猴子们喊打喊杀,为此好让我爹妈烦恼( 怕三岁定八十,野蛮女哪有人要)。 那时的我确实有几分蛮力,普通男生不够我打。当时的梦想是成为一个能飞檐走壁如履平地的女大侠。有一次为了逞强能让小的们见识下我练的“轻功”,决计从我家的二层楼上跳下。幸亏被发现得早,挨了顿“麻栗子”,否则小命早就不保。

至此决定求师学艺,便央求爹娘准让我参加少年武术班。娘起初不答应,但最后忸不过我,只得同意。 从此我越发嚣张,三天两头打架斗殴,在学校有“母老虎”之美誉。但刚进武术班时,一切都好新鲜,但时间一久,每天不是扎马步,就是练踢腿。一年下来,只学会了一套螳螂拳。螳螂拳还不如猴拳管用呢。况且每天还必须六点起床,一赌气干脆不去了。架照打不误,但武术班决计不去了,女侠梦自不了而了。


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    posted by 小春 at 6:05 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
    中港合拍的电视连续剧“黄飞鸿与十三姨”让人不看不甘心,但看后又有大倒胃口之感。虽整套剧还未看完, 但中间屡想中止。原本满怀欣喜的等待,换得竹篮打水一场空。犹鱼梗刺喉不吐不快,故发此怨言。言语唐突之处,敬请原谅。

    依小女子看来,挑选年逾古稀的香港功夫泰斗刘家辉饰演风流倜当的一代宗师黄飞鸿实属不妥,乃此剧一大败笔。刘家辉虽功夫了得,叱诧电影圈亦数十年,小女子对他也敬佩有加。但廉颇老矣,英雄迟暮,试问他又怎能和比他看上去年轻二十年的陈慧珊情感交流,演出扣人心弦的爱情戏呢?倒是他的情敌扎方布跟十三姨看上去般配舒服得多。再说黄剧中曾交代黄飞鸿与十三姨的年龄差距应不超过十岁. 依此看来,刘家辉实不属上乘之选.窃私下以为, 该剧应改为老年黄飞鸿人老色心不减,勾引可以作他女儿的十三姨。并于他人争风吃醋,大打出手才是。

    本剧虽名为“黄飞鸿与十三姨”, 但十三姨所占戏份并不是很多,两人的感情戏更是少而又少。加上干瘪桔子的刘家辉在此方面又全无亮点可言,一段家喻户晓的爱情佳话味如嚼蜡,剩下的黄飞鸿给人的感觉不识风情一代武夫。

    posted by 小春 at 10:41 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
    Image hosted by Photobucket.com It's been a very hectic week for me and all of us in the Finance department. Everybody's been under a lot of pressure because of the month end closing and budget review. We are already very shorthanded but at the same time work just keeps piling up. Next week is the time when the real fun starts as both internal and outside autidors will be banging on the door to audit our books and ensure compliance with Sarbanes Oxley Act. Auditors, you've got to love these guys. They snoop around the office looking at files and asking all kinds of questions. They have the ability to turn our lackluster work place into a fun and more enjoyable one. Timing wise, it could not be any better cos it aligns with our "office moving week". I anticipate the following dialogue might take place:

    "Can you show me the documentation for this journal entry?"
    "Eh...Actually I don't know. It must be in one of those boxes or on my desk somewhere-- that is if you could FIND my desk."

    Between now til Christmas, we will have lots of fun at the office and every now and then when I start to think, it just wanna make me shout.
    posted by 小春 at 10:56 AM | Permalink | 0 comments