No fireworks or BBQs for me this 4th of July long weekend since I will be heading south to Virginia, Shenandoah National Park to be exact. This will be my second time visiting this nature's wonder that situates astride the Blue Ridge Mountains which form the famous Applachian Mountain Range. It takes about 8 hours to drive there and I am glad I am not going alone. There will be no whining babies tagging along this time--all experienced mountain hikers who are not afraid of perspiring,getting dirty and certainly not of the wilderness-- bears snakes or even bobcats. My friend Jin insisted on going on this trip since he still has huge regrets for not being able to see a bobcat on his last trip to Shenandoah(Jin, if you realli like bobcats, go find yourself a girlfriend. lolzz). We will not be out camping either this time cos I am the only girl in the group. I look forward to this trip and I know I will have a blast there.
posted by 小春 at 4:54 PM | Permalink | 1 comments

作女人好难. 不但要同男人一样肩负着养家糊口养育后代的重任, 同时还要经历生产之苦经期之痛, 好不容易摆脱了这两样, 更年期又在不远处向我们挥手. 闲暇之余我们还要忙着丰胸瘦身排毒养颜. 一三我们要修眉, 二六我们要拔毛--脸, 手,腿仔细搜索, 一根都不放过. 总之我们身上除三处的毛发应基本保留外, 其余都应
该---剃! 胖胖的我们要减肥, 已然消瘦了的我们要骨感. 我们似乎永远都在和fat cells 打着场打不完的仗--那就是绝对不能让它们在我们身上任何部位猖狂, 只除了一处. 很多臭男人认为这一处是我们女人精华的绝妙所在. 我们对这一处也总是关怀备至. Miracle Bras, Breast Enlargement Pills 曾让多少女人抬头挺胸, 但还是有些女人铤而走险不惜遭受手术之苦. "Retinol A ", "Mexoryl SX", "Botox", "SPF 15, 20, 30, 250!", 为了美, 勇敢的我们拿起了科学的武器在脸上做起了化学实验. 水晶肌风刚刮完, 小麦肤潮又起, 刚做完SK II 美白面膜的我们又一窝蜂似地跑向海滩做阳光浴(For Louis Koo, it's the other way round. 但他也只是半个女人罢了) Estee Lauder , Biotherrm, Kanebo... 买哪个, 到底哪个味道的香水才更有女人味, 这个世上到底有没有fountain of youth....所有这些这些的答案有谁能够告诉我们? 我们是女人, 累和辛苦是我们的middle name. 我们总是为刚才晚餐多吃了块肉而懊恼, 为脸上增多了条新的幼纹而担心. 我们是女人, 我们打着一场打不赢的仗, 韶华易逝, 人向黄昏 是宇宙万物所趋.

在这个"image is everything" 和对"老"毫不友善的社会里, 我们每个女人都在为了美支付着不同程度的代价, 拼命地想要留住青春的脚步, 拒绝岁月在脸上停留.社会中各种媒体也有意无意地为女人设定着美的标准. 虽然很多人(这其中也包括男人, 哈哈)不止一次对我们说"beauty is just skin deep." 但我们总是为求得到报纸杂志中那些虚无飘渺的美丽一次又一次地做着冲刺. 如果有一天女人能够真真正正地挺起胸作人(sans 假胸), 抛开所有这些世俗意义上的挣扎, 一个真正的男女平等的社会才有可能实现.
posted by 小春 at 8:25 PM | Permalink | 2 comments