Humor-----Bejing Stai

外面骄阳似火. 公交车卖票员小王正懒懒地靠在椅子上打盹儿.这当儿,汽车慢慢地驶进了站口. 不大一会儿工夫, 由下往上进来了一老外. 这老外气宇轩昂, 上来后径自跑到小王跟前. 从口袋里掏出一张崭新的壹佰元钞票, 冲着小王喝了一声, "见过么". 他这一喝不但把小王的瞌睡虫喝得无影无踪, 还把小王的火噌地给激到了脑门儿上. "嘿. 你说这番邦蛮夷, 跑到咱中国吃香的喝辣的不说, 还欺负咱中国人穷. 以前是这样, 现在哥们儿啥没见过? 嘿, 就这点儿小钱? 我今儿个, 就学学当年的林则徐, 煞煞这小子的气焰. " 小王猛然间感到中华民族的血在身体里澎湃沸腾, 一种从未有过的爱国主义精神在抬头. 说时迟,那时快. 被爱国主义灼烧的小王"夸夸夸" 掏出六张一百块大钞, "啪啪啪"一张一张地甩到台上. 昂首挺胸,"你见过吗?" 那派头大有一副兴师问罪的劲儿. 这老外哪儿见过这场面, 满脸的委屈, 操着不流利的中文说, "见过么. 我要去'见过么'(建国门, 北京一地名)". 这小王方才明白过来, 灰溜溜地收起钱, 赶紧地给人家打了张票.
posted by 小春 at 12:41 AM | Permalink | 3 comments
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Starring Kenny Ho, Ning Jing, Max Mok, Ewong Yung and Monica Chan

Set in Ming Dynasty, Zui Jian En Chou Lu pivots around two generations of wine maker and their trials and tribulations as they build and rebuild their family wine empire. It tells a story of two man, Di Yang (Kenny Ho) and Di Bing (Max Mok), sons of King Of Wine De Geng Tang, sucked into a world of conspiracies and tragedies and their coming of age. Woven into it are love stories of younger generation of the wine kings, notably that of Cai Lian (Monica Chan ) and Di Yang . Monica plays the fetching daughter of King of Lu Wine who falls in love with Di Yang but is abducted by Eunuch Bai (Zhang Ming Jian), the nemesis of Di Yang and who mistakes Cai Lian for his daughter. Overall the series is passable with some moments worthy of a laugh out loud or two, comic relief provided by the actor who plays Shan Ji . The script is at times unfocused and it hurts what the drama is trying to accomplish and the pace was rather slow during the last half of the series. I expect a little more of tugging on the heartstrings and/or more romantic scenes between the lead actors. One of the few bright spots in the series is Zhang Ming Jian. Too bad he is enough of a newcomer that not everyone knows exactly who he is. Similar credit can not be given to such high calibre performer as Mok. His performance lacks something here and it feels more phony and wooden than genuine.
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zhang ming jian--isn't he cute?
posted by 小春 at 4:46 PM | Permalink | 2 comments