Starring Kenny Ho, Ning Jing, Max Mok, Ewong Yung and Monica Chan
Set in Ming Dynasty, Zui Jian En Chou Lu pivots around two generations of wine maker and their trials and tribulations as they build and rebuild their family wine empire. It tells a story of two man, Di Yang (Kenny Ho) and Di Bing (Max Mok), sons of King Of Wine De Geng Tang, sucked into a world of conspiracies and tragedies and their coming of age. Woven into it are love stories of younger generation of the wine kings, notably that of Cai Lian (Monica Chan ) and Di Yang . Monica plays the fetching daughter of King of Lu Wine who falls in love with Di Yang but is abducted by Eunuch Bai (Zhang Ming Jian), the nemesis of Di Yang and who mistakes Cai Lian for his daughter. Overall the series is passable with some moments worthy of a laugh out loud or two, comic relief provided by the actor who plays Shan Ji . The script is at times unfocused and it hurts what the drama is trying to accomplish and the pace was rather slow during the last half of the series. I expect a little more of tugging on the heartstrings and/or more romantic scenes between the lead actors. One of the few bright spots in the series is Zhang Ming Jian. Too bad he is enough of a newcomer that not everyone knows exactly who he is. Similar credit can not be given to such high calibre performer as Mok. His performance lacks something here and it feels more phony and wooden than genuine.

zhang ming jian--isn't he cute?
I was going to rent the series but decide not to thanks to you. That dude is not popular. He is in Da Han Tian Zi, I think.