"Bahasa Malaysia to go please"!
Image hosted by Photobucket.comSpent my Sunday in Flushing along with a couple of friends. We went to this Malaysian restaurant called Sentosa on Prince Street. Since my Singaporean friend Paul had highly recommended this place,we decided to give it a try. I was morbidly embarassed by my "Bahasa Malaysia" and I could swear, the only word I knew for sure from the menu is "ayam". The waitress who took the order intially used Malaysian to address me. However, after having me repeat a couple of times of what I had to say and still not sure what I uttered, she gave up and switched to English. (sigh)*All these years of studying was given back to my teacher.* I ordered a Nasi Lemak and a seafood casserole and was wondering the whole time why Paul gave props to their food. After lunch,I went to Korean town to have my hair highlighted and cut. My hairdresser's name happens to be Junny too. She speaks little English and our conversations usually contain very short and simple phrases, such as "cut my hair","highlight" and "a little bit shorter please". I tipped her generouly and she gleefully gave me a calendar as a promotional gift. I picked up some grocery on my way back which concluded my Sunday trip.
posted by 小春 at 7:20 PM | Permalink |


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