We had a blackout as a result of a massive afternoon thunder storm yesterday. There was no power throughout the area where I live. My car broke down yesterday too and the mechenic told me it would take at least three days to fix the whole problem. I take good care of the car and have it checked out regularly. Hence I was surprised to learn that the whole engine system needs a overhaul. The dealer is not the one I normally go to and I don't want to get taken for a ride. But my regular dealership told me there were at least eighty cars at the moment lining up in the garage waiting to be fixed. Wow how did all those cars manage to get into an agreement and decide to go on a strike. Naturally I was not estatic when I got home only to find the air conditioner has ceased to work for a long time. Anyway, in time like this when there was absulutely no modern amenties around, I took Pretty for a "walk" along with his inseparatable dear ol'friend Mr. Mirror. Photobucket - Video and Image HostingTo prevent him from flying away, I put him on a leash. He does not seem to enjoy being treated like a dog and tried everything his little bird's brain could think of to escape from the leash. But it's for your own benefit and mine too, baby. I spent the rest of the time staring at the darkness

posted by 小春 at 11:02 AM | Permalink |

