Work has kept me real busy lately and the never-ending budgets/estimates process and external and internal audits have nearly droven me to the edge of insanity. The problem is I didn't derive any sense of satisfaction from my work now. The budget is a joke--you use your brains for five minutes to come up with the numbers then spend the next five days in front of a keyboard brainlessly keying in the numbers. If, for some reason, the budget needs to be revised, the whole damn thing starts all over again. Doing tedious mundane clerical work once in a while is understandable cos it'part of the job and everybody has it, but spending way too much time on it is a total waste of my time in my opinion. There were days where I think I was going to have a meltdown and the negative thoughts racing through my mind threatened to cripple and destroy me. Then it all came back to my aged old debate in regards to my career path: should I be staying in private accounting or move back to public. I will be on a business trip next week. Hopefully it will get my mind off for a while.
Tired of lousy reception and missed calls with my old sprint cell phone, I bought this

Not bad looking, huh? When I make a buying decison, I tend to emphasize more on the outside appearance than its praticality of the item in question. That's my weakness, I know.