Right after I came back from Eng Gong's dinner party, I was sick like a puppy dog--acute sore throat,uncontrollable coughing and pain with swallowing. Despite feeling unwell, I still went to the gym and got on the treadmill for a brisk walk for an hour yesterday afternoon. Oh boy, was that a bad decision. When I came back home,I felt terrible. My throat was killing me and my head was pounding, every single muscle in my body ached and I felt like every bit of the last bit of engery had been zapped out of me. Deflated, I subsequently collapsed into the bed. I managed to fall asleep last night in the end but was frequently awakened by bad coughing. I feel slightest better today but my throat is still hurting me. I have not had a cold in two years. I guess the two year record has been broken.


posted by 小春 at 10:54 AM | Permalink |

