我和哈尼同在我们常去的教堂里任执事(board of deacons)。 我们经常互相取
笑说终于如愿以偿地成为了"pillars of the community" (社会的中流砥柱)。




If something has to do with a foreign language I oppose.
This is my principle and belief. We are living in America.
Everbody should speak English. If I hear people speak a foreign language in front of me, I feel offended coz I don't know whether they are talking about me behind my back or not. Both my parents came from Italy. My dad used to say you'v got to speak English and this is America. He went to classes to learn English. I sympatize with
them but it's my belief.


Dear Pastor Bob,

How are you? Mike and I went to the Board of Deacons meeting on Sunday and we both symphatize with the plight of that poor Portuguese family--The whole family is about to be deported unless they could find other ways to stay. He also told me how insensitive some of the so-called "pillars of the community" dealt with the situation and reflected on the issue, which I found to be quite upsetting to say the least. Although I myself do not find hiring the mother as an employee
in our church a viable solution to the problem, refusing to refer her to other churches is simply turning a deaf ear to people in dire state of need.Shame on them. Maybe Tony should read the church covenant at the back of the Hymn Notes which says

Aid each other in sickness and DISTRESS.

and take it to heart instead of merely paying lip service to it. They need help not lecture.

I've been living in this country for a long time and I appreciate American culture, its values especially its diversity. However I am still more comfortable dealing with my "own people"or listening to the sermon in Chinese if given the chance. It's not shunning away from the American culture but a matter of personal preference. "Embrace our culture or leave" or 'Speak our language or leave" is an unreasonable stance for any country( or church in this case) to take. That's the reason why a lot of banks these days hire people who are bilingual simply because they feel they can reach the customer/audience better to those whose first
language is not English.

Pator Bob, I know you are a very nice person who likes to help people.
Mike had talked to one of the guys at work who happens to be a
Portuguese. He knows a lawyer who might be of help to the family. He
will be contacting you shortly. Thank you for listening.

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posted by 小春 at 7:29 PM | Permalink |


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