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Love is in the air. Can you smell it, taste it or even feel it? If you are in my house for this past week, you certainly would. First of all, I felt in love with Puffy. Ahem, for your information puffy is a not related to that puff daddy who shacked up with J. Lo. My friend Steven was on a business trip and had asked me to take care of his pet bird. Ten times sweeter and better, Puffy totally won my heart and pretty's too. Oh boy, were they loud. ~blush~ ~blush~ hehe...

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Then on Saturday, we went to New York City to have my hair done. Yup, my hair is straight again. A trip to NYC is not complete without a stop to one of its many delectable restaurants. What to eat? Where to eat? Finally we picked out a Chinese resaurant on Prince Street. Food for two or for a pack of wolves? Hehe...it's up for your imagination.


posted by 小春 at 10:33 AM | Permalink |

