If you have lived in the east coast of the U.S. for prolonged periods of time and you still tell me you love snow, I'd say either you are one of those lucky overly optimistic people or you work for public sector--a snowy day might be a day off for you. Unfortunately, I belong to neither above-mentioned group. I am no long in school so I don't an extra day off just because it's snowing out. Snow makes me feel depressed,helpless and trapped. It is not romantic but deadly. Driving under the slippery condition with your car swerving out of control is no fun at all. As result of a earlier snow storm which had dumped a mix of snow and freezing rain, my whole driveway is now covered with ice.

My slippery front porch
Shoveling is another thing I hate about snow and its aftermath. Shoveling ice is actually worse than snow because you have to get the ice to break off into pieces and then shovel it away.

Shoveling away ice
After an hour's toil, I only managed to complete one tenth of the driveway. You know what, I am not going to kill myself with this now. All I need to do tomorrow is tell me boss he has to hold the fort without me.
Yours truely chose to cover herself up to defray cold winds