Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting前几个礼拜逛街时,在卖裙子的窗口,哈尼突然跟我说,“我发现你是个不喜欢穿裙子的女人呢”。嘴上虽矢口否认,但心里却知道这浑小子讲得十分正确。看看我的壁柜,挂满了不同颜色不同款式,长长短短的裤子,裙子却没有几条,自己穿裙子的次数十个指头就有的数。如果说喜欢穿裙是一个女人的天性使然,那么自己会不会少了些所谓的女人味呢。再仔细想想,自己穿衣做事无不象个男人婆。喜欢穿裤子多过裙子,高跟鞋没有几双,但运动鞋却一大堆 。走路疾步如风,说话干脆直接。我的头发一直都不能用飘逸来形容,因为我只留齐耳的短发,认为这样既容易梳洗,又便于打理,又不用担心头发会分叉。讨厌叮叮当当挂在耳朵上的那些华而不实的东西。认为在身体任何部位穿孔,都是自虐。自己没有耳朵洞,也不想再去扎。记得第一次去穿耳朵洞,痛得龇牙咧嘴不说,后来那两粒珍珠(因为太小)居然长进了洞洞里,还作了个小手术才把它们取出来,自此对那些所谓的body piercing 更为反感。不喜欢化妆,每天素面朝天,偶尔高兴了,才在嘴唇上涂些唇彩,但二十分钟后又会被我吞吃得一干二净。但为了证明给这个混小子看,我偶尔也可以变淑女,决定穿次短裙给他看。“你穿裙还是蛮好看的嘛。以后应该多穿一下嘛。”看着镜子里我,麦克风笑得满脸横肉。穿了短裙去吃了趟饭,让我立刻想起为什么以前一直不喜欢穿裙的原因---穿裙让我浑身不自在。腿不可以放在台上,时刻记住要双腿并拢,身体必须坐直,而且还要斜斜得坐。一顿饭下来,我的大腿酸酸的疼。穿什么劳什子的裙,甚人的馊主意,我忿忿地想。
“Hey, hon. 你什么时候再穿裙给我看。其实你留长发也蛮好看的,再配副耳环。哇,一定好看。”
posted by 小春 at 11:35 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Sorry guys, it's been a while since I last updated my blog. I've been busy as usual. It seems that I wear many hats these days. Ever since Pompster's departure, I've taken on some of the costing responsibities as well. I really like the challenging aspect of this job but at the same time it starts to erode my personal life. I feel tired most of the time and have to drag myself through to the end of the day. To my dismay, I now have dark circles under my eyes. My allergy has been driving me crazy recently and at times I have trouble opening my eyes. So much for an update,huh? Complain, complain and complain.
posted by 小春 at 10:19 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
I am back from Chicago
Photobucket - Video and Image HostingFour-day conference in Chicago left me both exhausted but excited at the same time. Seventeen of us from various locations in the U.S. and foreign countries attended the conference. Everybody was so nice and We've got to listen to other people's ideas through power point presentations and how they are doing things up there. We all have learnt a great deal from each other. We had so much to talk about that we all agreed four days are not long enough. So at the end of the meeting, everybody was saying we should start planning our next meeting in Vegas.

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingOn our last day in Chicago, I finally got to do a bit of sightseeing. Four of us took the train to downtown Chicago around five and we went to the top of the Sears Tower and took a bunch of pics. Since we had a seven o'clock resevation at Lawry's Steak House, we succumbed to the growling of our bellies and temporarily diverted ourselves to the juicy steaks or succulent seafoods Lawry has to offer. The dinner experience in Lawry was just so-so , certainly not on par with the high ratings my colleague gave it. We went to Navy Pier for a while and passed by some of the hottest night clubs in Chicago before headed back to the hotel and crashed into bed.


posted by 小春 at 6:44 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

自己家里开派对,就挡住别人家的drive way, 真是无脑人
posted by 小春 at 12:28 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Being Tagged By Junny--So Here It Goes
1. Who are you?
I thought by reading my blog long enough, you'd probably have known that by now.

2. Are we friends?

3. When and how did we meet?
We went back to the days when I was completely ignorant bout web design. It turned out you were too.

4. Do you have a crush on me?
No comment.

5. Would you ever be attracted to me?
Refer to 4.

6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
Why don'y you pick it out for yourself then I'll tell you what's on my mind.

7. Describe me in one word.

8. What was your first impression?
Wow, finally someone cares about grammar.

9. Do you still think that way about me now?
You should put on your grammar police hat sometime and take out your whip.

10. What reminds you of me?
Cat woman. Don't ask me why.

11. If you could give me anything what would it be?
Web design for dummnis. We both need it. Haha..

12. How well do you know me?
Well enough to do 2, but not well enough to do 4 or 5. Haha

13. When's the last time you saw me?
If I've ever seen you anywhere, then I think we are both in trouble now.

14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
Yes, you are so Moh Liu or Wu Liao. Cheh! Bah!

15. Will you ever die for me?
Now you need Blog Tags for Dummies too. Lol.
posted by 小春 at 8:32 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Americanized or Not Americanized--This Is the Question
My friend from work asked me the other day why the Chinese would eat dogs. Apparently he had read from somewhere dogs were stolen from their homes or on the streets in China only to be found later on someone else's kitchen table. Coming from a culture that places canines as men's number one friend, I could tell he was quite disturbed. I told him, "I am speechless. I don't have any speech."(Note: lines stolen from Seinfeld). "And that's very cruel, in my opinion," I went on, "quite frankly I don't know the reasoning behind eating dogs nor cats except perhaps the Chinese believe eating dog meat can increase one's stamina. What even puzzles me is the Chinese saying that goes 'The Chinese would eat everything with four legs except a table'. It's their culture, I guess." What I didn't realize until later on is that every time I referred to the Chinese people, I almost every time used the pronoun "they" as if I no longer belong to the collective group in question. Perhaps subconsciously I have already considered myself as a "global Chinese" drawing on the mix of both the Chinese and Western influences. In other words, my values and perspectives have drifted away over the years from what a true-blue Chinese has,yet not quite ready to assimilate into the mainstream American culture.

Here are the five things I consider that I am not Americanized:
1)I still don't understamd why baseball is being considered a great sport in America. It's not even fun.
2)I am not crazy about walking around bare-footed. As a matter of fact, I don't even feel confortable walking in the houses with no socks or slippers on.
3)I never did drugs nor have I ever had a hangover.
4)I am not arrogant and I care about foreign affairs.
5)I don't consider Mexico as part of America.

Here are the five things you can tell I am somewhat Americanized:
1)I enjoy exercise and like to perspire like a dog. I think all women should be encouraged to play more aggressive sport such as soccer.
2)I pop vitamin pills every day.
3)A pang of pain struck me when I learnt on the news that the twin towers were destroyed by terrorist attack and I cried just like any other grieving Americans.
4)I hate Uncle Sam
5)I recycle paper, plastics and cans. I protect environment and I am passionate about animal rights.
posted by 小春 at 9:45 AM | Permalink | 0 comments